
How can you tame a wild coyote?

by Guest45153  |  earlier

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they just snap at me and growl




  1. Okay.


    Coyote=Not pet.

    Coyotes are meant to be wild. It might have rabies or something so don't bother it. leave it in the wild it is also illegal to keep one.

  2. Leave it in the wild.

  3. You really cant tame a wild coyote unless your Chuck Norris On texas ranger. No seriously you cant. Unless your a dog whisperer or something like that. Because there so use to the wild. just as if you pick up a stray cat off the street and all they do is hiss and bite you or ruin every thing is that there body has gotten so used to it that they don't know how to live in the environment as we do. I got bite by a dog when i was ten but I have always been around alot of dogs and cats, coyotes, horses. any kind of animal you can think of cause ever since i was a baby i lived in a farm house. And with 12 brothers and sisters we were all bound to find something, Here are some steps you can take if you dont want to give up just yet.

    1 throw the coyote some food do not go near it.

    2. take a blanket off your bed or something that has your smell on it and leave it out side with it that way it can get used to the smell of you.

    3. give it some water.

    4. when your feeding it dont go near it.

    5. let the coyote get to know you better.

    6. saying no to a coyote to not growl or snap is like telling a forenigner how was your flight in your languaget they dont know as dogs do. There smart animals. So there not easy to get attached to, Just try it ill look more info up for you

    email me if you have any more questions

  4. u can't... lol... take it to the zoo or something.

  5. That is what they are supposed to do! They are wild and need to be wary of humans as a matter of survival. Leave the coyotes alone. Please don't feed them as they will lose their distrust of humans and they may become less frightened and start to attack local farm stock or pets. This could result in them being hunted/poisoned or trapped. I don't think that is what you would want. Buy a dog and teach that to do tricks. It would be very loyal and loving and would be a great companion.

  6. Sorry, I don't think you can.  

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