
How can you tell a pack of yugioh cards has a Rare,Ultra Rare,or Ultimate Rare card?

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I'v been trying to get a certain card in one of the yugioh packs.But all I get are rares.When my friend gets packs he gets ultimate rares most of the time.Does anyone know a how to get ultra rare cards?




  1. My friends will scale packs. You have to buy a small electric scale that measures in grams and weigh the packs. Packs with holos are heavier. Now this trick only work with single packs that are not in the cardboard packaging.

  2. well ya like that guy said thats the trick or sometimes it diesn't work bc it seems like there is a rare card bc its thick but maybe its bc theres also other cards in there and sometimes its just luck.

    Hope i helped.

  3. this trick used to work with certain packs, but not all. it definately worked with labrynth of nightmare. what u do is take the pack, and hold it sideways in ur hands. then very soft and lighty bend it up and down. the ones with rares will bend easier, the super rares-secret rares are harder and thicker so its harder to bend them. i dunno if itll work now but u can give it a try.

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