
How can you tell a player from someone who is genuine?

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I have recently got played big time...yet this guy was so nice to me before I found out... he cooked me dinners, texted and called me, took me places, held my hand in public, let me meet his friends, stay at his flat etc...AND WAS DATING 2 OTHER GIRLS & SLEEPING WITH THEM AT THE SAME TIME TOO AS ME...(now wonder he always seemed tired, was often "BUSY" and got lots of texts late at night from his brother??? I think not LOL ...yuck )

How can I tell in future ...he seemed so kind???




  1. If they are a really good player you cant tell.

  2. I actually think this is a very good question.........wish I could answer!

    I've had the nice, kind guys, the mean b******s, and the laid back lazy types...............but they were all  I will be keeping an eye on the answers you get, because, I'd like to know myself.

  3. I think time, cause then you are able to notice hiccups. Don't rush in- "fools rush in" :)

    And then even after that it will be luck. There's no guarantee.

  4. To be totally honest with you, I don't think there is any fool proof way of telling whether or not a person has those infamous player qualities.

    I can certainly say though, if one runs  away from the  mere mention of the word commitment  or if they are overly secretive about cell phones,  emails, or seems to have a lot of excuses about not being able to attend  functions  with you, then you might want to tread lightly when it comes to a relationship. Also if a person  won't ever allow you to stop by without calling first, then that may be an indication of something not being quite right as well.

  5. sometimes if something seems to good to be true it usually is.

    Time tells and all fakes get outted , just take ur time and read between the lines there are always signs always as women we just blind ourselves to them.

  6. Sometimes you can't but you have to remember that he was not married to you but he could have been honest about seeing others...

    Mostly I use my instincts.... If you can and can tape into it some people can't and never will and soem don't even believe you can use instincts for such an issue but you can... Some one once told me look at his surroundings, "his friends" they'll tell you more about him then he will sometimes, family, what he has, what he doesn't, the kind of car he drives ect.... Look at the big picture.  

  7. I'm not saying it's always like this, but there is a guy in my school who plays a lot of girls. He doesn't go out with any of them, but I know for a fact half the grade had a crush on him in the beginning. He says things like "I love you" and he brings flowers as well. Once my friend asked him out and then only did she find out that he was ALREADY GOING OUT WITH SOMEONE ELSE! Sometimes the boys who are charming are the ones to look out for, but the ones that seem shy or just nice are the ones to trust.

    I hope that helped a little...Good luck for next time!

  8. i believe all men are players on way or the other

  9. To answer your question: Tell them no s*x till the third month of dating. That will separate the men from the players.

  10. If he's a good 'player' you generally can't. Just be more careful and don't be fooled by his actions. You should have taken your first clue at his being busy all the time. If a guy wants to be with you and just you he won't be busy/tired/getting text at strange hours.  

  11. Why are you asking this question?  You found out, didn' t you?  What you're wanting to know is how do you find out sooner.  You allowed yourself to get hooked onto this guy waaay too early in the relationship.  This only served to blind you to the truth of his real character.  The first answer was the most accurate; stay out of his bed until you're sure about him.  Let the characteristics below guide you!  

    The answer: Intuition, intelligence, and class!    

  12. I would say if he rushes s*x in any way. You should never feel should be when you're BOTH ready for that in the relationship and if he's pushing  for that....then that's why he's in the relationship.  

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