
How can you tell a true Christian from a CINO--a Christian in name only?

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Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven." This implies that there have been CINOs even from the beginning. Are there litmus tests or clear indicators to tell a Christian from a CINO?




  1. Their behavior. Fred Phelps can say he is a Christian but he seems FAR from it. I am not a Christian myself but I think those who live by their beliefs are true Christians.

    Look at the Amish. I am on the other side of most of what they believe but I have great respect for them. They certainly practice what they preach. When the Nickle Mines schoolhouse murder happened, they showed what I think true Christianity is suppose be.

    If you know what the tenants are for Christianity, the they should be living it to the best of their ability.  

  2. There are two litmus tests.  The CINO justifies abortion, rejecting God's commandment against taking innocent life.  The CINO excuses homosexuality, rejecting God's commandment against sexual immorality.

    In these ways, the CINO sets himself/herself up against God, who unmistakably condemned these life-destroying sins.  

  3. First ask them who Jesus is. If they know Jesus as if He is really someone they know then it's likely they are the real thing.

    If they can only speak of Jesus in a historical manner, or as some kind of religious icon then you gotta fake.

    Also actions speak louder than words. A lot louder.

  4. You started out seeming intelligent, But on that last question you flunked.

  5. Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits."  Furthermore, He said "They will know you are my disciples when you have love one for another."  However, Jesus warned that the enemy will plant tares among the wheat."

  6. the lord looks at the heart. man sees the outside.i believe some people will be in heaven that you or me didn't think would go. also some that you thought would go but they won't.thank GOD he sees the inside.

  7. I totally disagree with Chris.

    You must NOT have faith alone OR WORKS alone. You must have

    both. I believe you can have works w/out faith; but I do not believe you

    can have faith without works.  

    I try to assess a person by their actions not just by their looks or what

    they say.

  8. Actions speak louder than words.

  9. By asking a TRUE Scotsman if he drinks whiskey. If he doesn't, he's a TRUE Scotsman.

    You fail.

  10. "You will know the brethren by this: that they love one another." Do you see infighting and back stabbing within the church? You know that you are looking at a CINO.

    "You can tell a tree by it's fruits." As apple trees produce apples, so Christians produce charity.  

  11. It would be by their actions. (Also how 'they' love one another.)

  12. The Bible says "You will know them by their fruits (works)." If they claim to be a "CINO" but act no different than your average atheist, I'd say they are not a "true Christian".

  13. And this is why Pascal's Wager fails so consistently. Thankyou, unwitting theist.

  14. I think Jesus gave a very clear litmus test: "Judge not that you be not judged."  

  15. At this point, you can assume that there are no true Christians.

  16. You can also tell by their attitudes and how they treat one another.  

    "They will now we are Christians by our love for one another".  

  17. First off, why do YOU need to know? How does it affect you if people who claim Christianity are legitimate or not? If you are trying to judge things such as whether or not to date someone or go into business with someone, than base your decision on how well their behavior matches their words and remember that all decisions that require making character judgments involve a certain degree of risk. Hope this helps.

    Edit: Chris, seriously damnation in works? Faith without works is DEAD. James 2:20

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