
How can you tell by other people reactions you come off as arrogant?

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I think I'm confident but other people might think its arrogance




  1. I think people tend to avoid arrogant people.  They quickly know what their opinion is.  If people approach you and ask for your opinion, then it is not arrogance, it is informant.  Arrogance is actually a way of looking at other people - as if from a higher more rarified place, like a god to his/her minions.

  2. I think you can tell when the intelligent people around you answer with very diplomatic responces or questions.  They can obviously see you are arrogant and they might be trying to tone you down with out making you feel like a jerk.

    Less intelligent people will just dislike you, and will probably limit their association with you.  Unless of course they are co-workers who are forced to be around you ... in which case... you may probably not get invited out after work or school.  You may not find people intersted in hearing what you have to say and they will often drift off while you are talking.

    Confident people, who are not arrogant, usually inspire others and draw the crowd.  Often they turn into leaders.  

    Now ask yourself the question again.

  3. You can appear confident - and not arrogant - by being a kind and friendly person who makes others feel good about themselves. Some people are just confident in their opinions and always insist that they are right and that their plan is the best one, which irritates others. People who are truly confident make others feel confident too.

  4. try not to let your confidence show like this, be nice to people and take an interest in them, if you are sucessful dont brag and thank people who congradtulate you

  5. Read it and weep. They may be sensitive or you may be arrogant. Every refuge has it price.

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