
How can you tell how close lightning strikes?

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Everyone thinks that the one, one-thousand, two, one thousand thing gauges miles but a few years ago, on The Weather Channel, they told the real way. It was like...a mile for every 3 seconds or 5 miles for every 3. Who can help me out?




  1. Use the flash-to-bang method. Since sound travels at 1/5 of a mile per second, just count the number of seconds it takes before you hear thunder. Divide that number by 5 to obtain the number of miles the lightning strike was from you.

  2. Every five secs is a mile

  3. Count the seconds, then divide by 3 to get the approximate number of kilometres.

  4. Sound Travels @ 1000 Ft per Second..

    1 1Thousand

    2 1 Thousand

    Is 2 Thousand Ft away

  5. Five seconds per mile

    Sound travels pretty slowly in air.

    At 68 deg F, the speed of sound in dry air is 1129 ft/sec, which comes out to about 4.7 seconds per mile

  6. look in the sky of how close it is and then listen to how loud the sound is

  7. Here is an answer from - - it says count the seconds after lightning and divide by 5.

  8. Try 1000 ft per second is the speed of sound.

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