
How can you tell how hard you punch?

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well my question pretty much explains it, how can i find out?




  1. I know no one will take this seriously because it has been years since I've actually seen one so you younger folks are going to be like "WTF is this dude even talking about?" but there is a meter that measures punching power.  The only one I could find through a quick  search was here at this link

    They used to have full scale punch meters with the old "industrial scale" built into them way back about 30 years ago or so that weren't very colorful and there was a mathmatical formual used to determine the punching power of boxers.  Not every gym had one, but I'm sure there were a few around that did have them and use to help improve their boxers' core power via training of course.

    This was one way of knowing how hard a puncher actually punched and the formula actually worked in most cases.  These days these types of scales are used by suburbanite yuppies for novelty reasons in bars.....what a shame.

    The only way to be fore sure these days is to keep work on your core muscles through various core muscle work outs then climb into the ring, fight your opponent and listen closely to what he says after the fight.....comments such as "Man you hit hard bro.!!!" are usually a good standard to go by.

  2. when you wake up start picking your teeth up.

    so do it by counting the teeth on the floor

  3. By whether or not you can knock someone out, and if so how fast. There are machines that supposedly measure how hard you hit, but that's bull.

  4. at any walls besides mine

  5. There is a machine that registers your psi, some upscale boxing gyms or sports gyms have them. Its a pad you can punch and it will register your pounds per square inch.

    I cant remember the name a something Converter it, I know a couple Hooters bars have something similar. You might even find one at an arcade or amusement park. They should be pretty accurate.

  6. Punch a friend in a face ans see what he says. If he falls down and appears to be sleeping, then you are very good.

  7. Get a 100 lb. Heavy bag and lay into it. If you can make it move back and forth 3 or more time, then you've got some punching power. I dont care what people say, making a 100 lb. heavy bag move was a ***** for me!! I began boxing at 15 and couldnt move the 100lb. bag for a couple of years like I was supposed to.

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