
How can you tell if a dog is pregnant?

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How can you tell if a dog is pregnant?




  1. Has she been staying out partying late? Is she taking the contraceptive pill? Sounds like she might be. :P

  2. My dog started "nesting" digging holes etc. about halfway through her pregnancy she started getting fat and you could feel the pups inside.

  3. big nipples, hard belly. you should take her to the vet

  4. her nipples will get hard, and she would eat more than she normally does,  and she starts digging holes .

  5. she will get fat

  6. If nipples get dark start ,to drag ,lays on side ,digs ,if have another dog act weird,eat a lot like a human

  7. it will be fat

  8. you will be able to feel it and it will get wide. the nipples will get pointy to

  9. Sometimes they don't show for a while. I know our dog hardly showed even 30 minutes before she delivered. She got kinda sluggish and layed around a lot. A lady that was buying one of the pups told me to give her a pregnancy test & yeah that didn't work! LOL! I took her to the vet at 4 weeks & he could "feel" 2 maybe 3 pups, did an ultrasound and couldn't find a single one. He had me bring her back 2 weeks later, so 2 weeks before they came & he found 2, said maybe there was one hiding, so possibly 3.

    Our cool story about her birth- She had #1, then a few minutes later #2. 2 hours later we left for my husband's Christmas work party. On the way home we joked about how cool it would be if she had another while we were gone. Guess what? She had 2 more while we were gone! It was crazy!!! We were gonna be happy with 2 and got 4!

  10. they get fat and lazyyyyy

  11. Dogs do not get pregnent, b*****s do. Ask a vet for more questions.

  12. if its stomach is hard and its nipples are darker or growing pointy that how i knew my dog was

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