
How can you tell if a fish is getting ready to die?

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How can you tell if a fish is getting ready to die?




  1. - They won't eat when you put food in the tank.

    - Look miserable

    - Change in color

    - Won't swim

    - At the bottom of tank, occasionally come up for a breath.

  2. you will find that their dorsal fins and pelvic fins go up to the side of their body also they tend to swim at the top of the tank like they are trying to get air they don't eat and u may notice a change in color to the fish they will swim allot slower than normal hope you find this info usefull

  3. when my fish died it tilted on its side then started to swim, then would go back onto its side, overnight it died and we found it floating. So look out for that

  4. When they stop eating, and float to the top or stays at the bottom.  

  5. it won't eat a lot it won't p**p alot and it will start to slow down. If you wanna test it out you should stick your finger in the bowl and try to see if the fish will move fast, if it moves slow it is probably weakened.

  6. they start moving a lot more slowly and eat less x*x

  7. well, it will usually prepare a will, and try and get things done that it had always wanted to do in its life. it may also take out a life insurance policy if it doesn't already have one.

  8. When they're belly-up or not moving at all for maybe days on end.

  9. Mine usually are on their way out when they start swimming upside down or on their side, or bumping into things.

    I really ought to feed them sometime.

  10. i have had many fish in the past.

    they dont last very long in an aquariam.

    well its really just my mom.

    she isnt very well with fish.

    to me they always seem to calm down more.

    and dont swim as much.

    but i may be wrong.

    mine before they died always used to just sit there at the bottom of the tank just moving there mouth open and closed.

    but i may be wrong

    hope this helped!!

  11. It'll swim funny; on its side, belly up, or jutting forward then going on its side. It could also spend all its time either at the top or bottom of the tank. If all these things are happening the fish could be on its way out... Try feeding it, if it doesn't respond like usual its most likely going to die... sorry

  12. when my fish are dying, they tend to float on their sides no matter how much they try, also other fish may start to mess with it, trying to munch it.

  13. move slow

    color fades a little

    won't eat

    will swim really strange

  14. If it smwims slower and barely eats if both of those are happening i would take it to your local vet just to make sure  

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