
How can you tell if a goat is being starved vs. it's because she's nursing two kids? I think it's both

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I saw a goat I used to own She has two kids she's nursing though the milk was scarce. She was extremely boney all over! The breeder says it's because she's nursing. Perhaps, but she still shouldn't be THAT skinny. She staggered a few times while walking. I think I should take her back even though my husband has issues with how much she talks. He says she's been wormed. Any gut feelings out there? Do I pick up her and her babies or do I trust what the breeder is saying?




  1. I don't think I know enough to answer your question.  Did you milk the goat when you owned her?  How do you know she doesn't have much milk?  Some does milk so much that they can't possibly eat enough to maintain body condition.  Some buck kids will take way over a gallon of milk a day.  Are the kids growing properly?  Any great milker will be skinny while milking.

    Has she been tested for CAE or Johnies?  Both of those diseases are common and can cause the problems you're seeing no matter how much the goat is fed.  They are also diseases that can take years to develope.

    If the goat no longer belongs to you you can't just take her back.  You might offer to pay for a vet call.

  2. Even when a goat is nursing she will not be bony from that.  That goat is not getting enough to eat, it is malnourished.  The breeder is lying to you.  You can decide what you will do.

  3. there lieing no animal loses that much weight becouse there nursing really if i was there i would have called animal control to get them into a better place  if u trust wat the breeser is saying u r trusting a animal abuser and that would kinda make u one to if u trust one anyway plz pick them up plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Noooooooo! This goat is underweight! If her milk is scarce then she isn't getting enough food to feed both her and her kids. Get her out of there, trust your instincts!!

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