
How can you tell if a mother rabbit abandens her babies?

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my rabbits prego and how do I tell him she abandens her babies or not!




  1. put something over the babies and see if she moves it

  2. she doesn't go back to them

  3. Mother rabbits only take care of their babies twice a day. This is when they nurse them and check on them. The rest of the day the moms are away from the nest eating. The only way to tell if she has abandoned them is to watch her closely to see if she is nursing them. (This could be hard if she feeds them late at night when you are asleep) Rabbits are good moms and I don't think you will have any problems. Just make sure that you do plenty of research on the internet on what foods you should provide for them and when. Good luck and have fun!!

    P.S. Baby rabbits are so fun!! We find them in our yard all of the time. I tried to hand raise some but they died. Just remember to be very careful with them because they can hurt themselves easily.

  4. There's really no way to tell for sure.  They'll just start losing weight and keep losing weight until they die.  If she does stop feeding them, you can make her feed them.  I had to do this once.  You just hold the mom by her ears with her butt resting on a flat surface, but the rest of her body up.  And you just take each baby one by one, or sometimes two at a time if you get good, lol, and put them on the mom's stomach.  They will find a nipple and suckle til they are full, then get a new one.  Really time consuming, but if you care enough about the litter.  Hope this helps!

  5. Most of the time rabbits are very good mothers, but if she does abandon them she might just ignore them and not let them feed. But sometimes the mother will do something worse (it basically involves the babies going to bunny heaven a bit earlier than normal) but it doesn't happen very often.

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