
How can you tell if a poem is good?

by Guest66053  |  earlier

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I enjoy poems by frost and poe but I have stated to read some of the "modern" poetry. Honestly, i don't understand it half of the time. Can someone please explain what qualities a good poem/poet have?




  1. From what I have seen different people interpret a poem in different ways. In some ways... that can be the beauty of a poem... there is modern poetry being written here...  Email the author if you are unsure of what it means and do it with "kind" words. Also  read the comments of others to see the crux of it.

    Make honest respectful comments and you will get the knowledge you seek.

    The most important question is "Is it good to you?"

  2. You won't connect with everything. You can appreciate the technical elements of a poem (even a modern poem), but it can still leave you cold. For me, a poem is good if I believe it to be good--I make no apologies for what I like. When I read something and it moves me, or changes the way I see the world that's a good poem. Sometimes a poem can be technically good and clever but not anything that does anything for you--in my mind such a poem is well done but not "good"(if you can see the distinction).

  3. Like many, many things we encounter, your enjoyment of poetry is a personal thing.   There are rules galore about writing poetry.  There are no rules about what you should like or dislike.

    One size does NOT fit all, neither for the poet, the style of verse, or the message being conveyed; that is something you should be able to accept.  The purpose of a poem is to stir your imagination, with the key word being "your".  If the poet has done a decent job in constructing their poem, you might be able to appreciate the work and thought that went into it without understanding what they are trying to say.

    Read without getting into a rut is my suggestion.  It's all too easy to over look a bit of verse simply because it is not from a favorite author.  There are many fine young writers out and about, there are also many that are still struggling to find their way.

    There are many poems that will not move you in a meaningful way, nor will you wish to revisit them again.  It's your choice.  In my opinion the sole quality a poem should have is the ability to connect with my brain.  Poets need have no special qualities, it's their work I am reading, not their bio.

  4. If it is random but really makes you think

  5. i ?

  6. If u understand the theme of the poem and what the poeter wants to say and u like this poem this is the main thing.A good poem must contain and a good poeter must express the thing that is mostly suited to thought of ur brain.

  7. It's a good start, but it needs work- mainly because of the grammar usage and diction. Because there are some grammar errors in this short poem, it detracts from this poem , therefore making the message less clear.

    So here is my edit for your poem.

    What happens to a scared heart?

    Does it stop running

    like a kid in a haunted house,

    or does it live like a flower

    and breathe?

    Does it die because it has no future,

    or breaks free and escapes

    like a bird in a cage?

    Maybe it's just a future

    like a baby

    or does it stay scared?

    Plus, you have to make this more clear. For example, why is it's just a future like a baby? Plus, I don't think a kid would stop running in a haunted house, because they're obviously trying to get away from it.

    Besides that, you do have a good start. But if you revise this poem, then I'm sure it will be amazing.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. if it is short and rhymes

  9. if you enjoy it and it moves you

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