
How can you tell if a psychic is a scam artist??

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im thinking about going to psychic in las vegas....Do you know of any good ones or are they all scam artists??




  1. if they have a phony jamaican accent

  2. you can always tell that theyre scam artistis when they say that theyre psychics.

  3. Your first mistake is visiting a psychic in LAS VEGAS. Plan to spend your money and get ripped off plenty of times in Vegas.

  4. All of the professional psychics in Las Vegas that I have seen are scam artists. The local metaphysical community is, well, mostly stupid and the area is very harsh on empathic people so most can't handle it very well. The few real psychics I've seen in Las Vegas aren't selling there services right now.

  5. Just look at Vegas.  Look at all of the rich hotels, the golf courses, the luxurious rooms, the beautiful women, the nice cars, the water fountains that costs millions of dollars. The whole place is a scam, but it's nice place to go for a short period of time.  Enjoy it, but don't take it too seriously otherwise you'll end up sleeping with a cactus.

  6. I am a psychic, and I am certainly not a scam artist.  I successfully predicted that David was going to win American Idol.

    I will prove how good I am by offering a free psychic statement right here online.

    I am getting a strong feeling that you will die in a year that begins with a 2.

  7. its really hard to tell, mostly because they could tell you things that are really general that could apply to anything, but you believe they are true.. motly the are scam artists if they don't tell you any extra info that you did not add about yourself and also if you think they are just stating the obvious.. good luck :)

  8. i'm a psychic.... give me money and I'll tell your fortune.

    (can you tell I'm a scam, or are you considering it??!)

  9. Hello

    As one I c an honestly say that I have never met a fake/scam one, a few misguided ones.

    If your going to visit, ask about to find one that others have been to, or follow your own intuition.


  10. You can tell a psychic is a scam artist when they tell you they're a psychic. No such thing. If you want to do it for fun and entertainment, that's great. But they aren't psychic.  

  11. If they ask any questions at all, they're fake.  If they ask for your birthday, or anything other than your first name, it's a scam.  Las Vegas is FULL of scam artists, my dear. So is Salem Massachusetts.

  12. Serious answer:

    Get referred by someone you know who had a successful reading.

    If you can't do the above...

    When the reading starts, be as mentally and emotionally open to him or her as you can, but volunteer nothing for a few minutes.

    If they start grasping for help, it's a little suspicious... but it they say something like "Your mother's name is... Maria? Maryanne?" and her name is Marie or Mary, you can say "Yes."

    If they say something like "I'm getting the letter "M" Do you know anyone with the letter M?" then say "I need a little more info..."

    Be wary of anyone who cliams there is a curse on you. No such thing.

    And be wary of any storefront psychic. A good psychic works by referral, not sitting in a store all day.

    Sometimes, if you go to a "Psychic Fair" you can get a couple of $5 readings from a few psychics and assess them that way.

    Remember, a psychic can be good but just not connect to you. I went to a very good psychic once with a friend. She completely nailed me and all my situations for the next two years, and I eventually had proof, but barely picked up anything from my friend.

  13. SURPRISE SPOILER: They're ALL scam artists.

  14. they all a tarot deck for 15 bucks you'll be set forever

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