
How can you tell if an elephant has been in your refrigerator? ?

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  1. The brown sauce has gone browner!

  2. i can tell if i saw my refrigerator broken into pieces with the elephant's foot prints on its remains... lol

  3. If the refrigerator handle is still in it's snout ... you could pretty much say it was the elephant.  Love honey

  4. You can find remains of waterlily leaves and squashed frogs in it.

    Edit: Someone must be having a blast bashing others with thumbs downs.

  5. theres a giant hole in your wall, your fridge is freaking out on the floor, your table is unrecgonizable, and your dog is standing in a puddle of p**s

  6. if my peanuts r still there then nothing happened but if in all out then it was an elephant or my lil bros

  7. because your fridge would be crushed and flattened.

  8. All of the peanut butter is gone ... especially the chunky.

  9. Because he forgot to put back the giraffe after he had made his trunk call.

  10. The peanut butter has trunk marks in it.

  11. I reckon those footprints give it away in the butter?


  12. I'm sorry, I needed a snack!

  13. Everything is crushed.

  14. check for footprints in the butter

  15. He leaves the light on

  16. If it seems to have been crushed/ broken!

  17. Because most of the elephant would be sticking out of the sides of the refrigerator darling. lol

  18. Tusk marks in the ice tray, mine loves it in his gin.

  19. By the footprints in the peanut butter

  20. His footprints are in the butter!  

  21. When my refrigerator is getting heavy..

  22. when all ther food is gone and the refridgearator damaged answer mines;...

  23. when theres empty beer cans all over the place

  24. it has..and the fat greedy git is known to me personally as 'the hubby' lol

  25. One way to tell if an elephant has been in your refrigerator if all of the food is gone.

  26. He would eat all of my shell peanuts. What a Mr. Meany.LOL

  27. You look in the mirror and see if your hair sparkles!

  28. Your fridge is broken =]

  29. If the door's still open

  30. you would see his bike parked outside the fridge

  31. silly you if you like stupid stuff watch my vid

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