
How can you tell if baby hamsters are okay?

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My hamster gave me the fright of my life the other day when i went to clean the cage only to find baby hamster in the cage. I immediatly put the mum back in. Tonight she was desperate to get out so I figured it would be okay to let mummy out for 2 minutes. I know not to touch the bedding, so I am a bit worried... how do I know if the baby hamsters are still okay? What if my hamster has eaten them.. how will I know?

This probably is a really sill question but I have no idea what to do.




  1. alot of ppl dont no wut to dont worry just leave them alone and chek on them every now and then they will b fine and the moma wont really eat them unless she feels like it is the right thing to do so dont mess with her or she will eat them!and make sure as sooon as its ok take them out of the cage with her

  2. Leave them alone for about a week. Only touch the cage to change food and water. If you stress her out she will eat/kill the babies. Try to keep the lights off and keep the room quiet.

  3. As a rule of thumb, the nest should not be disturbed for at least ten days. If a newborn goes astray, leave it, the mother will retrieve it. Or, the pup will find its own way back to the warmth of its bed and Mama. If the nest is disturbed, especially a first-time Mom, she may "defend" her litter the only way she knows, by killing and eating them. (Like everything else, the female's acceptance of initial disturbances varies with individuals.) It is extremely important to insure that there is an abundant supply of food and fresh water. If Mama Hamster feels threatened that there is not sufficient nourishment and water available to sustain her new family, by instinct, she will mercifully kill the pups rather than let them die the agonizing death of starvation or dehydration.

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