
How can you tell if it is a salvia plant?

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I think i have salvia but im not sure if its just a look alike




  1. smoke it, figure out yourself.

    if you trip out and go into space and see a cat in your trip, yes.

    if not, oh well

  2. 1. Live salvia plants are dark green with a kind of purple-ish tinge. Salvia as in the drug, is like crinkled up dried bits of dark green.

    2. Smoke it and find out.

    Just kidding about the smoking bit, look on google images.

  3. yeah, burn it

  4. I have no idea. If it looks a lot like it then it probably is

  5. Feel the stem.  Is it square, does it thump, thump when you roll it between your thumb and forefinger or is it smooth.  Salvias are in the mint family and they who group have square stems.  Of course your mystery plant might still NOT be a salvia since it's a BIG family..........

  6. Salvia is a type of sage. Dude, I know what you want it for. You can't just go smoke your sage plant and get high ok!? It has to be concentrated and you don't have the stuff to do that now do ya? Salvia sucks, I've done it, you try it a couple times, it last for 1 min or 2, and you're over it. People have died doing that c**p because their perception was impaired and they fell off something or out a window etc. Do something constructive.

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