
How can you tell if someone actually is suicidal or is just depressed and looking for attention?

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This guy was never very popular in our group of friends. One day he texted everyone saying he needed to talk. He said he had taken a number of pills to commit suicide. A number of people from our group ran to him. The people that did not text him back or come running to his aid were messaged by him saying this is no joke I was committing suicide and you were just sitting there letting it happen. People are dropping everything to run to his aid but I am not sure he is truly suicidal. I can tell he is depressed but is he truly suicidal or just looking to be accepted and focused on in our group of friends?




  1. My thought on this is that he really may have overdosed and now either a) regrets it or b) is sending a strong message out there to see if anyone cares enough.

    90% of the time, people who want to commit suicide DON'T tell anyone. They just quietly go and do it. Ones that threaten it are depressed and might actually do it... but they are usually looking for attention.

  2. tell him that suicide will automatically reincarnate him to the same type of life and he'll have to suffer the same way all over again. that's what did it for me. and i agree with whats her name paramedic girl most do just quietly go and do it.  

  3. Depress, only need be the hit of the moment, attention!!!!!!!!!


  4. he does need to call attention on himself. When i am ready to commit suicide i won't tell anyone,(except maybe the funeral home to schedule to have my corpse picked up) I'll just do it!!!  why tell anyone? they find out  when they find my bloody corpse and read my motives in my suicide letter. anyway, its not like they´d care too much!

    Your friend is just attention starved

  5. Most likely, it's a cry for help and/or attention. No matter if he wants to die or is trying to kill himself you need to talk to him and have him seek help. Do it as soon as possible or he will try to get attention again and take pills lets say but could slip up and wind up dead. There have been deaths that have been that way. Your friend needs serious help or it could end bad. But it really looks like he just wanted attention from people and to feel like he's wanted by someone. Good luck.  

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