
How can you tell if someone is attracted to you?

by  |  earlier

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It's a difficult situation with some people, i'm at university and people you don't speak to straight away it then becomes harder to interact with them, my main point is it then becomes harder to realise if they are attracted to you if you don't speak with them, it's a common problem i have with a few people, maybe i don't put myself out enough?




  1. ya you should try to be out there with people, but don't make it obvious.

  2. i guess you press the wrong key here, but to answer you, look at their pupil if it's dilated than before,or they look more at you and have happy expressions, you don't have to try hard to impress, more people would be attracted to you by just being yourself, normal.

  3. How can you tell that this question does not belong in the Conservation forum?

  4. Personal Space- Most people have an imaginary circle approximately arms length around them. This is there safety zone, and they will defend it rigorously against intrusion usually. When a person feels attracted to another person, that safety zone is dropped. If some one finds you attractive they may choose to be physically close to you and invade your personal space. A less obvious example would be leaning toward the object of their affection. They do this because they wish to be in closer physical contact with you. Or alternatively, they will allow you to intrude upon theirs without moving away.

    Body Language/Non-Verbal cues -Here are things to look for when trying to determine if someone is attracted to you. Most of these are done on the unconscious level, so they are easier to spot. First look a t a person eyes. Do their pupils dilate when they are looking at you? Science has proven that our pupils dilate when we are attracted to what we are looking at. Blinking is also a strong indicator of attraction. Studies have proven that it is possible make a person feel attracted to you by blinking faster. Unconsciously, the other person will blink faster trying to match your rate. In addition, if someone is attracted to you they will tend to stare.

    Aside from the eyes there are other ways to tell if someone is attracted to you. For example, we indicate our interest and desire for further communication with some one by nodding or tilting our head. When someone is attracted to you, they do this in a more exaggerated way, especially women. Tilting the head back reveals the neck and throat. This response is a primitive response and was used as a submissive gesture. One such example is: A woman who is listening closely to someone she is attracted to will tilt her head side ways while giving furtive sidelong glances. Men and women alike will tend to adopt better posture when in the company of someone they find attractive

    Next is the mouth, and how it relates to sexual attraction. This section relates more to women than men. The lips are one of the most sensual parts of the body and l*****g them, touching them, and biting the lower lip is very erotic to the opposite s*x. Arousal leads to increased blood supply to the lips, making them redder and signaling sexual interest to the opposite s*x. For this reason women, use lip stick. In addition to the lips, Smiles also represent an obvious cue. They attract attention and signal interest.

    Oddly enough when people are attracted to you it is common that they will mirror you and mimic your mannerisms. They will use your sayings, and mirror you in the hope that you will be more accepting of them, and potential choose them as a mate. Also if a person is constantly adjusting hair, clothing, make-up etc, they may be interested.

    Considering those things I will submit this short list of Non-verbal cues to help you know what to look for: Dilated Pupils, Invasion of personal space ,Touching ,Frequent smiles, Repeated glances, Hair toss, l*****g the lips, Tilting the head, Mirroring ,Lean ,Preening behavior, Eyebrow flash ,Mirroring, and Erect posture

    These examples make up a few things that signal another’s attraction, but they are not universal. Everyone differs as will their responses. Hopefully, this will help you better understand what you are seeing.

  5. Be open and friendly with everyone and not so bound up on getting hitched and you should find things easier.

  6. How is this a Conservation problem?  Your at a University and cant read or follow directions?  Wow, future leaders of America.

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