
How can you tell if someone is lying what is some signs ?

by  |  earlier

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So I was lying to my mother the other day and while I was talking/lying I started scratching my neck that’s 1 sign do guys now another :P?




  1. Except for the brazen liars people will not look at you directly when lying.

  2. When I lie I have a habit of laughing my butt off.  I have no idea why I just do, I just find it amusing when I lie for some reason.  I find out when others lie just by knowing.  I can easily tell when someone lies to me, signs of not.  Love and Light.

  3. i was watching something about s.a.s. interrogation techniques a while back something in relation to lying popped up apparently someone is lying when their eyes move up and to the left (away from their nose) this apparently is them triggering their imagination  its like when you remember something your eyes roll back into the back of your head hope that helps

  4. How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? When his lips are moving.

  5. Sweating, not using eye contact, not standing/sitting still, moving hands or other bodies parts a lot, using defensive posture (crossing arms etc).

  6. i heard that if they cant look directly at you or if they look to left like shifty then thats a sign. probably if they sweat or get nervous, twitchy, fidgety. one of mine is i talk and when someone says your lying i go no im not while laughing so when im lying to parents i suck so bad but anyone else i am the best liar EVER lol. i can ***** all day then turn it all around and convince them my side of the story or that someone is bullshitting and teachers the amount of **** ive got away with, i havent done a single piece of homework i destory their classroom and swear uncontrollablley and if they try and punish me i turn on the waterwork or some **** and make up some story and ta-dah im out of detention! LMAO. nothing to be proud of but it might come in handy one day!!

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