
How can you tell if someone likes you through their body language?

by Guest66466  |  earlier

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How can you tell if someone likes you through their body language?




  1. if they walk up to you, hold their hands above their heads, stick out their tounge, squint their eyes really tight, hop up and down on one foot repeatedly, and hum "ohhhaaaa ohhha ohhhhaaaaaa"..

    i would say they like you a lot!

  2. Ok girls play with they're hair if they like you. Also subconsciously people turn towards you like their legs point towards you if they like you/ are interested in what you are saying. There are alot of different signs though.

  3. if shes nervous

  4. The face in particular their eyes. Through the phone or correspondence,then the tone and words

  5. I don't truly think you can....body language is very subjective, in other words, it can be misread through your filters and beliefs, and you may totally end up misjudging the situation. Why you would act a certain way in a given situation may not be the way another acts that way, it is an assumption.

    You can never go past communication, and even if she does like you, you need to not be afraid to communicate, or the relationship will fail in the end anyway. Dont let embarrassment or shyness get in the way of a great future relationship you may have.


  6. If you can see someone looking at you from across the room look for other signs of interest. A person may gaze at you, look away, and then return their gaze to you again. They will probably have a slight smile on their face. If you turn and catch the gaze, and they smile or even blush and look down, you have caught their interest.

    When you are talking with someone for the first time there are quite a few signals they can give you as to their willingness to continue the conversation. Subtle non-verbal signs are given off that can say "I like you" or "I am interested".

    One thing that is hard to catch is pupil dilation. When a person is looking at something they are interested in, whether it is a person or an item, their pupils will dilate. Smart salespersons can catch this with a prospective client and know they are close to a sale.

    Something else to look for is body position. A person who is interested will often standing with their body facing you directly. If they can't directly face you, they will angle their body in your direction the best they can. Open and upright palms are a good sign; this means the person is open to you. Sometimes preening can occur. This is normally a subconscious thing that most people don't even realize they are doing. Women will most often play with their hair, swirl it around their finger, or toss it over their shoulder. Men tend to stand straighter, play with their ties or shirt buttons, or wipe away imaginary lint. This signals an attempt to look their best for the person they are engaged with in conversation.  

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