
How can you tell if someone "touches" you when you're asleep??

by Guest58464  |  earlier

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Do you get a wet dream? What are the chances of waking up? Have you or anyone on here been touched when you or they were asleep?




  1. That's nice and creepy... I sleep with my door closed and locked.

    Edit: Incestuous? Gross. Keep the door locked then. If other family members have the key, put a wedge under the door. They can't really complain about it. After all, incest is bad.

  2. LOL....I hope you're not serious...and I know you're not but umm well usually light touches you'll wake up to depends what kind of a sleeper you are, light or heavy.

  3. If someone touches me when I'm sleeping, I reach under my pillow for a shiny surprise. Bang!

    Do you pet a dog or cat while sleeping? No, unless you would like to take a chance at getting bit...LOL :)

    P.S. There was a double homicide not far away in this peaceful community two weeks ago. Everything is on "lockdown" and no one is touchin anyone, anytime soon. Instead, I see many people looking for work and/or in desperate need...(that was never in that position before)

  4. Get a door lock.

  5. i'm only answering this because i want to comment on your hottnessO_O

  6. Dude, if you're serious....then call the cops.  NOthing to be embarrassed or ashamed of.  After all - YOU didn't do anything wrong.  Oh yeah, and have a friend help you install a heavy duty lock on your door for now.  It's pretty easy to do.

    Oh, and your hair is actually really cute.

  7. Yeah that`s pretty sick! My advice would be to touch them in their sleep before they get round too fiddling with you.Turn the tables on the inbred perverts.

      Also keep a can of mace handy. :)

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