
How can you tell if there is lead in varnish or shellac?

by Guest66872  |  earlier

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How can you tell if there is lead in varnish or shellac?




  1. Paint manufacturers by agreement in the 1970's stopped using lead in majority of paints, only a few artists and signwriters paints have any lead in them these days. If you are renovating an old house assume that all paint is lead based and take necessary precautions especially if you have children. Shellac as a tree sap would only have lead in it if it was found in the soil in which it's grown and only in trace amounts.

  2. There isn't lead in any commonly sold paint these days.  Varnish may have metallic driers that come with some cautions.  Shellac is actually made from bugs (the lac bug) from the shells or secretions or something.  

  3. It will list it on the label. I don't know of any varnishes or shellacs that have any lead in them. Especially shellac, it's made from tree sap.  

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