
How can you tell if you genuinely miss or like someone, or if you just like the chase?

by  |  earlier

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I was hanging out with this guy for a while, we were definitely more than friends but we didn't have any 'rules' as such... we were an unidentified relationship. It couldn't really be categorized and we never discussed it.

He used to sms me a few times a day and I would see at least once a week. I really liked the attention and i was attracted and interested in him, but I wasn't sure if i genuinely liked him and wanted to be with him, or if i just enjoyed the novelty.

One day he didn't sms me, and then he didn't the next day or the day after. I made plans with some of his friends to catch up with him as well as his friends all together, but each time he made excuses to his mates why he couldn't come... and he knew i would be there when he was making these excuses.

Within the space of a week or 2, he had completely cut contact with me.

Over this time, i began to like him more, and question why I hadn't seen how great he was when i had been hanging out with him.

I wish now that I had been more appreciative of all the nice things he did for me.

I know that generally i am a person who likes the chace, but who does not necessarily want to have a relationship at the end.

However when i think about this guy, i sometimes dream about him telling me he likes me again, and wanting to be with me.

I know i miss the friendship part of our relationship so much, but how much of it is me liking him, and how much is it me just liking the chase?

I mean, i only really started to realise i might like him after he was no longer available.

Is it true you only miss a good thing when its not there anymore?

Or do i only miss the attention he gave me?

It's been 6 months now and I haven't spoken to him, yet i still think about it EVERYday, and it really bothers me that it still effects me so much.




  1. You should really try to talk to him, I know how thinking of one boy all the time can make you crazy after a while.

    As for how you feel, I cant really tell you that, but I think that its both. You miss him, actually him, because he was a good friend and you had a chance of a relationship. On the other hand, I think you also miss the excitement and ego-boost he gave you with the attention you got from him.

    Either way, just get in contact. Tell him you just want to talk. You really miss your friend and don't know what happened to the two of you.

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