
How can you tell if your 11th month old is an indigo?

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Both of his parents are indigo and aquarius- he is virgo.

Any ideas on how involved to be in his personal playtime. I usually feel it out- sometimes I am directly involved and other times I like to watch him figure things out- I am just seeking some feedback from those of you that subscibe to this notion anyway.




  1. I'm interested in what an Indigo is??

  2. To Ms Merlin:

    Amazing, amazing answer, good job. Really.

    To everyone who gave Ms Merlin  thumbs down:

    Just because you're too ignorant to understand something, doesn't make it a lie. You all need to get lives.

  3. So what were these gifted kids called before 1985 and what will they be called in a few years time?

    Or were all people born before 1985 ignorant idiots?

    Baybee cakes

    You are the idiot that needs to get a life, not living with the fairies.

  4. It's all utter rot.



    An Indigo kid is a spoilt brat whose parents think they are gifted children as they will not do as they are told and  the parents have no authority instead of giving them a clip round the earhole and giving them a bit of discipline they call them special and gifted instead of little sods and let them get away with murder.

  5. I read some articles online, I think all it concludes is that the so called Indigo or cristal children are smarter than the children in the previous generations. Which I think it's full of cra*p, of course they're going to be more knowledgable than the children in the previous generations, they have something called the "Computer"? ever since they're born? They have more penetrable eyes, because they're are exposed to all type of stuffs online.

  6. What's an indigo?

  7. Some people will tell you that the concept of "indigo children" is nonsense, but you obviously want real, unbiased information on the subject, so here it is:

    If your kid is 11 months old, he can't be an indigo; the true indigo children were born between 1985 and 2000. Kids fitting the indigo description that were born after that are called crystal children. Either way, they're known to be very creative and sensitive children who like to explore their world, so it sounds like you're handling his playtime very well. He will likely not get bored easily due to his constant exploration.

  8. Indigo's were born up to 2000.

    After that, they are called 'Crystal' children.

    They are super sensitive and independent.

    I think 99% of newborns have this characteristic and it especially comes out when they are developing rapidly up to 4 yrs of age.

    Your approach to playtime seems very balanced thus good.

    I encourage every parent to embrace the notion that their child is gifted as every child is, until they learn to switch off as they are not empowered nor encouraged to trust their feelings and insights and they learn to conform to the world directly around them - which is frankly said, quite shallow and boring!

    Good on you for going deeper and for embracing more layers of life and 'being' than just the visible one.

    More power to you.

  9. Oh for the days before political correctness.

    A few years ago they would have been called unruly hooligans or yobs but now they call them Indigo's and say they are just nonconformist kids..

    Indigo children sounds much nicer doesn't it?

    Why would you want an 11 month to be one?

  10. what is indigo?  i thought it was a shade of the color blue?

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