
How can you tell if your boyfriend is doing drugs?

by  |  earlier

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hes with his friends almost everynight who r druggies he told me its been 2 monthes since hes done it but for some reason i cant believe him. he texts me and says hes gonna chill with them for a bit.....but if your chillin with 2 he lying to me?




  1. well its kinda hard to resist when you are with the homies,my friend lies sometimes to his girl and says he not doing nothing when he actualy is

  2. sorry but yeah he's probably getting high. depend how he is tho when he gets back. You should be able to tell

  3. I've been there.  I was with a guy for 5 years who told me he had quit the drugs...I used to drive myself insane wondering if he was doing drugs behind my back - turns out he was!  I heard it from his father who told me!  I dumped him immediately after finding that out.

    I just find it hard to believe that if your boyfriend is around people who are right into drugs, that he wouldn't be doing it himself.  A lot of the time these people don't have anything in common apart from that drugs.

  4. there really is not a way to tell if he is not with you. you have to see how he acts. he probably is though, if they are smoking pot he will want to chill with his friends. dont be naive  

  5. ok. I know someone who was definitely on drugs. So i usually can tell. First of all, if he is acts kinda delusional, has bloodshot, eyes, etc. he's probably on drugs. Those are some symptoms of taking drugs. if u are really concerned u could talk to his parents. Ask them is they've seen anything suspicious about how he looks or the way he acts. And,  instead of texting him back after he texts u, call him. Ask him where he is and what he is doing. Don't be rude but get to the point. if he is like um...well....uh...he's thinking of an excuse. I'm not saying he's lying to u, but he could be. Best of luck to u.

  6. "Birds of a feather flock together", Get him away from those friends.  Your question is "How can you tell", I see all the signs, I believe you do too.    

  7. find a new bf, you are like the company you that the type of man you want to marry?

  8. get a few locks of his hair.  I believe there is a test out there available to purchase

  9. If he doesn't act all obsessive and stupid and just different. Smell his clothes. ;)

  10. The way his face looks if he is high his face looks kinda squinty and sleepy lookin or he just looks f*cked up ok or if he smells like it then you know so hope it helped.  

  11. What kind of drug are we talking about here? If he's out everynight with those people my guess is that yes he is lying to you. If it's the drug I'm thinking about it's pretty typical for a person to be out everynight. Did he have a problem with this drug before? Certain behaviors are specific to certain drugs so if you know those behaviors and he's exhibiting  them then he's probably using again. Kinda strange to that he would text you to let you know he's gonna chill with them instead of just calling you.  Well hope you figure this one out.

  12. first of all my boyfriend has been doing the same thing all of his friends are huge druggies and that's all they care me ive been through this they want  you but they want to do the drugs at the same time. don't be with someone you don't trust it will only get worse and worse.

  13. message boards more than 1 hour a day

  14. look to see if his pupils are dialated and if his eyes are blood shot.. also sleepyness and acting tired.

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