
How can you tell if your contacts prescription changed?

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Ok. so is there a way to tell if your eyes are getting better or worse without going to the eye doctor? I wear contacts and sometimes images seem a bit blurry. I'm just thinking that maybe my prescription is changing but I really don't know.




  1. the only way you can tell is by going to the doctors for a check up, you should get one every year because when you wear glasses, specially contacts sometimes believe it or not your eyes get worse wether your near or farsighted, chances are you do need a new prescription

  2. what happened to me i got tonz of headachs, and i wear both contacts and glasses, but i got headaches, and my contacts didnt help me anymore like they were prescribed but i couldnt see the bored at school anymore, and the blurry ness could be from the contact itself carry around contact eyedrops but if you think it has changed it doesnt ever hurt to go to the eyedoctor to see if its changed any. gl

  3. Some people can't tell at all - they just end up going for a yearly checkup and ending up with a different prescription! =) Chances are though, if you're seeing slightly blurry images, your eyes might have gotten a bit worse.  This could just be your contacts, unfortunately (their being dry, or sometimes too old, or if your eyes are tired can all cause blurriness) - see if you notice the same thing with your glasses.  And if you're not sure, just make an appointment with your eyedoctor! =)

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