
How can you tell if your gerbil is pregnant besides it being fat and the obvious stuff.?

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How can you tell if your gerbil is pregnant besides it being fat and the obvious stuff.?




  1. The gerbil's nipples will  get puffy and/or swollen.  She will also start to nest.

  2. Other than the obvious stuff going on with the female, the male will get very excited as he anticipates the birth coming.  You will also notice the female nesting more, and sometimes getting irritated with the male.

  3. your gerbil, besides fattening up, will most likely become hesitant to come to you as it will probably become deffensive, and maybe even bite you as giving birth comes nearer.  this isnt being mean, shes just trying to keep her developing babies safe. at least this is what ive seen before with two gerbil pregnancies....

  4. Their nipples will get swollen a little while before they give birth and she will be nesting. (making a little nest and filling it w/ comfy stuff)

  5. Well, if there is obvious stuff, you wouldn't have to look for more obscure stuff, would you?

    Just look for the signs that would make it clear. Like you said, gaining weight quickly. She will build a nest, possibly eat more, and her nipples will get swollen.

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