
How can you tell if your going crazy or loosing your mind?

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My friend told me that she thought she might be loosing her mind. She said that some times she doesn't even know if whats happening around her is real of fake. please help!




  1. I would rather not use the terms "crazy" or "loosing" your mind.

    I think if someone is beginning to have difficulty telling the difference between what is real and what is not real, this is a sign there is a problem.  Loosing touch with reality is a serious symptom of a mental problem.   If someone is hearing or seeing things that are not really there, there is a problem.    

  2. when you get this stage you are not goin g to have  time tofeel what about giving jugements

  3. This sounds like anxiety I go through the same thing daily almost. It sucks. tell your friend she might want to go to the doctor or try some relaxation methods before it gets too bad and she starts having panic attacks and then it seems like there is no hope. Best of luck

  4. First of all, if you were loosing your mind or going crazy, you wouldnt question it. Crazy people dont usually no their crazy. It sounds like panic attacks. I used to have them and felt the same until I got therapy. This is one of the symptoms. Tell her to go to her doctor to help her find the right therapist and maybe go on meds awhile while on them. Trust me, it works.

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