
How can you tell if your not Inlove with someone anymore?

by  |  earlier

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But really care fot that person.? Thanks..




  1. You can tell you're not in love when you have to ask that question.

    If you were in love, you would never have to ask that question.

  2. ii heard that when the person holds your hand but you dont close your fingers on his hand, that means you dont love him.

  3. Use your head,

    Go with your gut,

    Follow your heart...

  4. There is a difference in that in love beginning stage where everything is electric, and the kind of love that is lasting where you both work at it and there are not a million sparks but a genuine feeling of love.  To really care about someone means you have love for them.  It may not be the sparking kind but you have to really look deep and see if you can have a life without this person or if they make your life better in ways.  

  5. you just know it i dont know how but you just realize it. for me it happened when i found myself fantasising about meeting another man whos more caring and lovable.

  6. That's a tuff question to decipher. Ur not giving enough details, for instance how long were ya'll  2gether, what made u ask this questions, did he say or do something? All break ups hurt, especially if you care. Add more detail,  and maybe you'll get more responses. Good Luck

  7. when u just don't feel the spark anymore, or u just don't want to be around him /her anymore.

  8. you can tell by if u r attraked to him/her n u think of him as a boyfriend/girlfriend n u get butteflies when ur around him/her or if u just care about that person u would think of them more like a brother

  9. when the spark isn't there anymore, if u are with them and u feel numb,almost as if u wished you could be away from them, u don't hate them but you don't love them anymore.

    Also when u are away from them u feel happy at peace in yourself, or when u are with them u are constantly fighting and u feel like if he/she was to get out your life you'll be a happier and peaceful person.

    That's how i knew i needed to end my very first relationship that i ever had, which was years ago, and we dated for 3 yrs, i had to end it b/c i fell out of love with him, I met my husband and we're happy, i have been  with my husband for 6yrs in marriage but i knew him for 11 yrs.

  10. why? can you fall in-love again? if not, then move on. not fair to other person. any ways you already know the answer, follow ur heart.

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