
How can you tell if your out of body experience was real or just a dream?

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How can you tell if your out of body experience was real or just a dream?




  1. Put a playing card on top of a bookshelf, face side up (but don't look at it).  If you can see what the card is in your dream then perhaps you're on to something.

  2. You can't, unless you use your "out of body experience" to test yourself. See if you can go somewhere in your OOB experience and visualize a number or phrase that somebody has secretly set up for you by prior arrangement. Then compare and see if you were right.

  3. I was once told that if you "dreampt" in full color then it was an OBE and not a dream at all. I couldn't tell you for sure though.

    People who have talked to me about it have said they know when they're doing it, like they have their own little clues. One person would "hit her head" on the ceiling when she floated up.

  4. There is more to your question than you might imagine.

    There have been some limited attempts to detect a person's astral (or OBE self) and at least one Remote Viewer (David Morehouse) claimed that he was seen while viewing Soviet targets. However, this research is complicated by a number of factors including normal explanation (strain gauges effected by ground vibrations) and other parapsychological explanations (like psychokinesis effecting the gauges).

    So, real (as in something is out of your body) has proved very difficult to test.

    There have been attempts (many with positive results) to identify numbers that were hidden somewhere, or describing objects or actions of people. However, this information could be acquired via ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) and many parapsychologist hold that OBEs are just a way to let information (via ESP) come through to your consciousness. So, even if you obtain real information you have not provided evidence that you (or some part of you) was out of your body.

    Of course the feeling of being out of body can be duplicated with both high enough electro-magnetic fields and certain substances. You are not usually dreaming in this state (but awake in an altered state). There have been no attempts to study if information can be acquired in these states.

  5. Check out this website:

    look around the forums and you can ask questions,  learn how to Astral Project and read other people's stories.

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