
How can you tell??

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i have maybe saw some ghosts or heard them and stuff. but how can you tell if your imagining things or of it is really there. cuz i've seen lots of shadow people and i saw a head once. is it real or fake?




  1. First and foremost, trust your gut instinct, but if you are still shaky on the subject then consider how you were feeling before, during and after the sighting.

    Did you feel distressed when you saw it/them?

    Take into consideration your environment, are there usually people walking around the house at the time you saw them?

    If you find that you were calm before you saw them, but distressed when  you saw them, then I believe that they may have been ghosts, they often come in the form of shadows. If you're truly worried, then burn Bay leaves in the room[s] that you've seen them in willing all passed on entities to move on and leave, bay leaves are a type of cleanser, and will surely help with your ghost infestation.

  2. In the dark, you can see all kinds of strange things. The stuff around you seems to become something else and the rest is you've already scared yourself so the rest could be your imagination running wild. A head huh? That sounds scary but I don't think that's what you saw. It could have been something else or your imagination.

  3. Why are you asking. you know the answer. Think about how they affected the environment you were in....

  4. Do what the "Ghost Hunters" do. You have to rule out everything that could be making those shadows. If you cant come up with any explinations then perhaps its real.

  5. when you pinch your self or open your eyes and close them and open them again and it's still here then it is a ghost shadow spirit or sometimes you can't see them they can affect you on emotional level specially the negs  instant change mood i mean of course if you're emotionally healthy you go from happy to sad crying that's a spirit around channeling itself if it's a neg it can manipulate you cause they feed upon negatives  emotions i don't know what to tell you more you have to consider all situations like light shadow from an object your brain playing tricks on you when all those are eliminated then it's ghost spirit or other but you have to be sure for your own sake cause if it's not the case you might have some mental issues hope i helped you

  6. If only you observed the paranormal activity and you do not have any other witnesses or means of documentation, then only you can say if it was real or fake. Nothing else can make that determination. True paranormal phenomena is very rare and you should at the very least consider alternate causes for the observations before naturally concluding one way or the other.

  7. Well if you had an experience like mine you would know for sure it was a ghost. I have told the story many times here and will not go into all the details again, but I had a ghost appear to me and demand I leave his house and then he vanished. My neighbor when told about my experience showed me a picture of the man who appeared to me and it was a man who had died in that house.

    The International Ghost  Hunter's society has free articles you might want to read and it helps you determine if you have a ghost.

  8. It's easy to tell, because it's never real. It's always your imagination or seeing out of the corner of your eye and things like that.

  9. where exactly did you see this happening at?

    I believe in paranormal activity... but sometimes your brain does put things out there that might not be there.

  10. I just moved out of an apartment where the same stuff happened. I snapped pics and caught one of the shadows.  I placed recorders in the "most active" rooms and caught EVP's.  I use to be someone who would never believe...Not anymore!!

  11. Real things happen that are confusing.

    Sometimes wishful thinking, dim lighting or bad food contributes to the confusion. Remember that there is no paranormal anything or supernatural events of any kind and you may then be able to find the real truth behind strange events.
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