
How can you tell someone they really annoy you?

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How can you tell someone they really annoy you?




  1. i would be too worried about hurting their feelings but i just ignore them and sooner or later, they get the message.

  2. just be honest with them.

    be strait forward and don't beat around the bush

  3. I think the question is to vague..  Annoy like I don't want to see you again or Hey, when you do this it really annoys me or is it anywhere in between that?

    I think if you don't want to be around someone, you need to back out of that with out hurt them. It does gain anything. This is a time when a lie would be ok. Whether it be you just have a lot going on right now to get together so hanging out is just no longer going to be possible right now..  something like that..

    if it's just an annoying habbit... you can say "you know what it really bugs me when you slurp your soda from the can, would you mind not doing that?" Thanks"

    Or anywhere inbetween :-)

  4. I'd make a list of the things that annoy you the most about the individual. Then, I'd reduce it to only the top two or three. I'd analyze these and try to understand why they annoy me, e.g., when they occur, who is around when it happens, if the behavior is impulsive or compulsive, etc. Then, I get the person off by himself/herself and discuss the behavior that annoys you. I'd try to help them alter the behavior...make suggestions as to what they could do to accomplish what they want to in a less annoying manner.

  5. Excusing yourself, body language, facial expression.

    I annoy way too many people to point a finger, and it's just too much energy expended to talk to people that aren't going to get it.

    And what if YOU are wrong?

    So I just excuse myself after some body language, pulling back, squinting etc.. And make myself scarce.

  6. ~~You have to be upfront and honest. Tell them what it is they do which annoys you. If it's everything, then I guess you are gonna have to tell them that, it's tough, but your body language should be giving them a hint something is wrong anyway. You probably won't see them much anymore, if that's okay with you, then have "the talk"~~

  7. The best way to do this, or any uncomfortable yet necessary confrontation is to tell it honestly, but don't affix blame or judgment.  Make  it an " I Statement"  thusly:

    (Bad example)  Whenever you take off your shoes your feet stink and I cant stand to smell them.  

    (Good example)  I am very sensitive to smells, always have been.  I have to keep my own shoes on - and I respectfully ask all my guests to do the same."

  8. That depends on what it is they are doing that annoys you.  If it is rude, gross, and social unacceptable then explain why it is bothering you and why the behavior should be stopped.   But you do it with dignity- not anger or condescendingly.  

    Just a word of caution.  Make sure it is their problem and not yours.  

  9. uhm annoy them back?..=) i tried it and they get really mad and they shutup

  10. You can't.  You can only ignore them.  What would you gain from telling someone that they really annoy you instead of the satisfaction that you have just hurt someones feelings and have made a statement that the person will never forget.  Why don't you just distance yourself from that person.  Minimize your phone conversation and minimize your contact.


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  12. I know you don't mean to and are unaware, but you really annoy me sometimes.

  13. Just like that, come right out and say "You know, sometimes (or "a lot of the time" if that is the case) you really annoy me.)  -  Chances are the person is like me and can tend to be a bit over bearing and is already well aware of it.  If this is the case, trust me, the person would rather you just say it so they can try to correct it than to have you avoid them.

  14. Sometimes its better how you put it. Its not hey! You annoy me! It should be hey! What you are doing is annoying me.

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