
How can you tell that you really moved on after a break up

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well really its not all your fault that lead to break up...well then can you guys help me how can i tell that i really moved on already? can you guys tell me how long it took you to moved on?




  1. Moving on all depends on whether you still want to get back with this person, and whether you still have unanswered questions.

    But on the whole, if it was a clean break, I'd say about 2 weeks.

  2. you really can't tell how long. just have a positive attitude that this break up will lead to new love and new you!  

  3. i've never fully moved on from anyone i loved, but i think falling in love again is usually what helps you atleast get past your old feelings.

  4. You've really moved on when you find that the thought of him/her does not cause you to not be able to function.  

    That doesn't mean that you never think of him, or that you don't have feelings for him.  I was so in love with someone who was not right for me and found that it helped to move about an hour away so I didn't constantly bump into him.  About 15 years later I ran into him and wouldn't you know it, my heart did a flip flop.  Even though I could tell that I still had feelings for him, I also could tell that he was still a jerk, and that helped me get control of my emotions.

    Someday, when you do find the right person who is more worthy of you, you will look back and be so glad that you broke up with this guy.  It will make your right choice even sweeter.  

    It helps to get involved with all sorts of good things.  Some might be service, sports, hobbies, friends. etc.  

    Good luck!

  5. You know you've moved on when you see them and feel nothing especially when they are with someone else.

    How long does it take?  Nobody can say.

    Best Wishes


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