
How can you tell the difference between a male and female guinea hen?

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How can you tell the difference between a male and female guinea hen?




  1. I rear guineas fowl ,but find s*x differentiation in Keets impossible,after a couple of  months when their call is distinct enough ,it becomes easy , the single note call of the male is markedly different from the double note of the female,two clear notes in quick succession  Females also have small flat wattles,while a male has a larger  wattles wich fold partly giving a shape  like the bowl of a spoon.,but this differentiation is not as fool proof as the call of this bird.

  2. The adult guinea male is called a c**k. He makes a one-syllable sound when alerted by anything unusual.  He is also recognized (as the adult pictured) by having larger wattles than the female, and a somewhat larger helmet. He makes a ONE-syllable sound only: "CHI-CHi-Chi-chi...".

    The adult female is called the guinea hen.  She makes a two-syllable sound commonly:  "buck-wheat,buck-wheat". She can immitate the sound of the c**k.

    As keets, determining the s*x is nearly impossible, until they discover their voices at about 8 weeks of age. The size of the wattles on keets will be the nearly the same until they are a few months old when the wattles of the male begin to develop. (Vent sexing keets is difficult.)

    Although wattle size and some actions may suggest the s*x of a adult guinea fowl, sound is the sure way to determine the s*x (as is vent sexing older guineas).

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