
How can you tell the difference between a spirit & a ghost?

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I mean when you see one. If you saw a spirit and a ghost side by side...what would be the difference in the way they look?




  1. it is a matter of semantics

  2. A ghost will haunt you a spirit is somthing you drink lol :)

  3. actually spirit is more like jinn..and ghost is only a story and not real..jinn is genie and genie is real...

  4. They are the same...  Just different ways to refer to them....

  5. That is a nice new pic you have Deenie, is it you or someone from the movies?

  6. My understanding is that spirits and ghosts are one and the same.

  7. Personally,I think that spirits are unseen(spirit = soul,energy still alive after the physical body perishes.)--rather,they are FELT.They can send us signals that they are around and that they care for us.Ghosts can be seen...such as through photography,etc.

  8. Ghost  are from our dimension or lower dimension so were able to see them better, their details, features, and clothes. They may walk by you as if they don't see you, perhaps residual energy.

    Spirits have transcended to the other side, so they are harder to see their features of their face, or clothes.They are from a higher me they look like a white to grayish form of a human, no eyes, a ghost like mouth, see through like a ghost, but broken up, as if dust in the sun, they have many shapes depending if they are traveling, their speed, and stage of manifestation. Depending on how they control their vibrations, it's possible to see them with features and clothes for a short time. They can appear as a shadow usually completely white to grayish. And if they touch you like hold your hand, it's not cold. They know where you are, they may hint at first in order not to scare you. But a ghost may just come right up to you, they don't realize that they are dead.


    Deenie, I like your picture!

    I have seen many of these spirits, and have communicate, touch her, I know what they look like. Even tho they appear scary looking at times, they never try to hurt me, well perhaps one. I seen them change their form as they come and go. It can become confusing to me at times because ghost are spirits so they are similar except their dimensions and awareness. Once a spirit transcends to the other side, seemingly from what I have ascertain they are more aware, more knowledgeable.

  9. Do you really believe that people who have died really get stuck? Do you really feel that they are lonely for the loves ones they  left behind after crossing over. If you look at the bible their are no ghosts of the dead just a enemy who wants to fool you into thinking that there are. Keep your eye on the prize. Jesus

  10. there's no difference.

    a spirit is a spirit.

    but read on if you want a more detailed explanation.


    spirits take on the form of departed humans to fool us into thinking about the existence of ghosts(which are dead humans)  in an attempt to wrongly prove God's ways and set laws as false.this is not what the human soul was created to become.

    our souls were created to be a source thru which we could connect with our maker, because God is spirit, and we can only worship Him in spirit and truth.

    spirits are better defined as fallen angels from the kingdom of darkness.

    they are 1/3rd of heavens angels who came under the influence of satan, previously know as lucifer the archangel of God, when he was thrown out of God's presence for trying to equal himself with God, who alone is faithful, just and powerful.

    pride brought satan down,

    and his sole purpose is to destroy you and me with his lies and deception, all because we are the creation and beloved of God our creator.

    This is the oldest tactic in the book, if you want to hurt a strong man, attack that which he loves.

    same tactic applied to us by satan.

    when man sinned against God by disobeying His command, man got separated from God.

    satan took advantage of our separation from God and made us prisoners of sin, death and our own devices.

    But God has made a way for us to be saved from the lies and control of satan,

    by giving His only Son as a ransom for our lives that was owned by sin and death,

    God's Son Lord Jesus died for mine and your sins while we still hated Him and were His enemies...and thus He paid for our life with His own life.

    we don't need to be stuck in a world full of lies, pain and heartbreak.

    God has made the way for us to be free from it all and live life as a new creation.

    There's a new way to be human, it's something we've never been.

  11. A lot of people don't differentiate between the two. And scientifically speaking, neither are actually known to exist in the first place, so there are no facts known about them, only opinions. So what's the difference? Whatever you want it to be. Your opinion is as valid as the next person's.

  12. Same thing.  Some ghosts you can see and some you don't but they are both spirits.

    Nice new avatar!

  13. I would imagine, because we assign sensory experiences to cognitive concepts, most see either one or the other (if they even see them at all).

    They both look exactly the same to me. :-)

    Look who put up her picture!  Or is that Joanne Woodward?

  14. definition: both are lies

  15. Intellyeye i don't agree on ghosts how can they not realize they're not dead maybe a child could not realize they more don't wanna accept the fact they're dead or maybe confused or refuse to move on. On spirits i totally agree with you and also they can affect physical MUHD iknow in our religion they are called jinns in reality jinn's are more like demons and spirits more like mehlek if you understand what i mean Salaam DEENIe it's you you look gorgeous nice new avatar

  16. Definition of GHOST–noun 1. the soul of a dead person, a disembodied spirit imagined, usually as a vague, shadowy or evanescent form, as wandering among or haunting living persons.  5. the principle of life; soul; spirit

    SPIRIT–noun 1. the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.  

    2. the incorporeal part of humans: present in spirit though absent in body.  

    3. the soul regarded as separating from the body at death.  

    4. conscious, incorporeal being, as opposed to matter: the world of spirit.  

    5. a supernatural, incorporeal being, esp. one inhabiting a place, object, etc., or having a particular character: evil spirits.  

    6. a fairy, sprite, or elf.  

    7. an angel or demon.  

    10. a divine, inspiring, or animating being or influence. Num. 11:25; Is. 32:15.  

    11. (initial capital letter) the third person of the Trinity; Holy Spirit.  

    I think it all depends on who you speak with... religiously speaking. Some ppl believe they are the same spirits that are walking among us may be thought of as ghosts. Some ppl believe there are only angels that are among us and ghosts are considered evil... those same ppl believe that our spirits stay within our bodies unless we die in which they are determined to go to heaven or h**l. Anyway, most ppl don't believe in ghosts at all and only spirits exist in our lives.

  17. Two ways to say the same thing, and not all are evil--just be careful!

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