
How can you tell the difference between the activity of ghosts, trolls, leprechauns, and fairies?

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I watch the TAPs show every now and then. They will hear some kind of sound, get a feeling, etc. and declare the place haunted by ghosts.

How do they know that it is not something else, such as a troll, goblin, leprechaun, demon or a fairy causing the phenomena?




  1. they actually ran across a demon a few times, dont ask me why none of them have been possessed yet, but they claimed it was a "malicious ghost"

  2. On the 4th of July. Instead of blowing up my UFO model, We played to the fire-works.  The band heard the 'angels sing'.  Infer sound, what a strange device.  Just being in time with all that was around us, made a 3rd sound.  This 3dr sound is the...ghost?

  3. Very simple Trolls are found near or under bridges.Forget that Hobbit stuff.Leprechauns,very simple they shine and repair shoes if left out.Fairies,well think Tinkerbell,it's one of the rare times Disney got something right.Ghost Hunters,think pro wrestling,that's how real it is.

  4. I luv that show .! hehe.


    but i dont know how 2 answer ur question :(


  5. Use voltage meter.  Ghost presence will show up as a speciifc voltage.

  6. Thank you!  Finally, someone who recognizes that leprechauns are entirely capable of producing many of these manifestations. Leprechaun researchers get no respect these days, instead ignored in favor of the more glamorous and exciting ghost hunters. Hah. If they only know what they were really hunting!

    By the way, leprechaun manifestations are usually indicated by a clover leaf left nearby, shiny dust-like particles (gold dust), and diminished levels of whiskey in any opened bottles.

  7. Since none of these exist, the question is unanswerable.

  8. Good question. I have given you a star.

    this is only my oppinion from reading lots of books on the supernatural, myths and different religions and cultures.

    Ghosts are spirits of the deceased. From what I can understand its a complex world where loved ones who are deceased can communicate with their live loved ones if they are clever enough to pick it up. This type of communication is called an After Death Communication. There are lots of speculations about the dead and where they go when they die I personally believe there are whole worlds out there where our loved ones go.

    Ok now there are entities and these are not spirits of human being I suppose they can be demons most of these entities are just mischievious and shy and quite harmless but there are some that can cause deliberate harm.

    Now there are fairies, leprechauns etc and I also believe these guys exist but there are not that many left due to polution and chemicals etc. They love plants and flowers and they bring good luck and can be found where there is happiness.

    A friends mother told me a story of seeing a very tall man riding a bycycle she said he was as huge as a house - who knows

    Another friend spoke about seeing a blue man a little blue man sitting near her pillow again who knows.

    I have often wandered the same thing that what these investigators think are ghosts could be michievious entities and any other supernatural being and not just a ghost.

    I think most peopel find it easier to believe in spirits then other magical and supernatural things who knows good question. THe facts are this world is so huge and really anything is possible good luck

  9. Because when all a guy has is a hammer everything looks like a nail.

    I had a premonition paranermal would chime in on this one.

  10. This is also a matter of belief. To those who believe in fairies it could be a fairy and so on. Just like many feel there are no ghosts only demons trying to get our souls.


  11. I totally understand paranermal guy but honestly he has any right he wants but he should think be for he say leprechauns are the only living entity! My own little theory is that when you die you are transfer ed into anything as simple as a cat or a dog to something complicated like a fairy or a leprechaun.

          There won't be  an answer to your question right now sadly. Because last time I checked people couldn't transfer them selves into paranormal creatures to find out. But in time we might just find out.  But I have one little fraction of the answer to your question, the more powerful the entity the more powerful its magnetic field is. So that is just a part of the answer but for the full answer only time will tell. For any questions that is my website.

  12. The only thing that can manifest is a ghost and/or demon--everything else is mythology. Please don't cloud the issue of honest inquiry with claptrap.  Not all ghosts are evil, but all demons are.

    There is a huge spiritual realm, of which we humans are just a beginning,'boot-camp' status. God is real, so is Satan. If  everyone in the world gets that straight, there's hope for them.

      Please choose God!

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