
How can you tell the s*x in neon tetras?

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I have 3 because the store told me they are schooling fish and I needed to get at least 3. I have been seeing them chase each other but I can't tell if they are just playing or trying to mate. Also is the gestation period the same as Mollies? and are they live bearers? Thanks.




  1. Neon tetras aren't the easiest fish to s*x. They aren't livebearers. There breeding is different too.

    A female plump with eggs will dash through plants with a male and lay them, fertilizing the eggs and making them stick to the plants. The eggs hatch in about a day, and the fry become free swimming in about 3-4 days. It is best to remove the parents after spawning, as they will eat the eggs.

    In general, the females are plumper and wider then males. But a fat male could be mistaken for a female, and a skinny female could be mistaken for a male.

    If you are really interested in breeding these fish, it is best to keep them in there own tank. The parents should be healthy, and conditioned with live food. After the fry become free swimming, they should be fed with small live foods like infusoria and rotifers. The fry be sble to eat baby brine shrimp at 1-4 weeks old. When they are about a month old, they show adult coloration.

    Also, neons do better in groups of at least six. At this amount, they can make a truly stunning display, as opposed to three, which will probably be very skittish.

  2. I would think size matters in sexing neons. I'm not exactly sure, but the  female should be a little larger than the males..

    Also, neons will be MUCH happier in a larger school if you can manage it. 3 neons will most likely just hide in the plants all day

  3. You really cant tell? Everytime I get neon tetra's I always ask the fish specialist if he can tell the difference but he says no that its hard. The male is more thinner and female are more rounder but they all look the same to me? Cant tell..

  4. they are egglayers. and i think the males have a darker color orange on their fin.i think they are just playing. i dont know the gestation period though. probably 5-6 days maybe.

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