
How can you tell what an orb is?

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Me and my cuzins are trying to find orb's in my house!! Ghostly things!! or how to identify orbs in pictures




  1. I'm not sure if you know what orbs are, but here goes, they are one of many ways that angels manifest themselves.  Most likely they will show themselves in times of emotional need.  If your home is calm they won't be there as strong, they are still there just hidden.

    Very seldom will you capture one on film unless they want you to.

  2. Orbs just show up in pictures...although I did once try an experiment, using a camera during a seance, I took pictures of the area to little effect, I then called a relative to appear, and took a picture where I felt them, the photograph was littered with orbs of different sizes.  I no longer have the picture, and I am not particularly eager to repeat that process, but it's something to think about.

  3. orbs in pictures are caused by dust, water vapor and similar particulates.

    If you want a picture of an orb, just take a hot shower, turn off the bathroom light, then photograph the bathroom.

  4. The orbs you see in photos are usually specs of dust in the air which become visible because the flash goes off against a dark background and the dust particles reflect the bright light.

    Other types of orbs, such as ball lightening, are thought to be orbs of plasma created when lightening strikes the ground the charges particles of dust rise into an energetic cloud.

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