
How can you tell what s*x a chicken is?

by Guest63239  |  earlier

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Without getting into the bird's business too much, what are the diffs between roosters and hens?





    Hens cluck, Roosters are a much louder bird noise (clucking, doodling, etc.)

    Hens dont have the dangly red thing on the top of their head. Roosters do.

    FYI--Hens DO have a dangly red thing on the bottom of their beak

  2. rooster have that funny looking red skin growing on top of their heads whereas hens don't have that

  3. Roosters crow and are basically worthless.  Hens lay eggs, and are thus valuable.  Rooster have much larger combs on the head and spurs on the legs.  Hens have small to no combs and don't have spurs.  If you intend to have a stable population of chickens for the long-term, you need 1 rooster for every dozen or so hens.  The rest are good for eating.

  4. hens are the ones with the credit card, roosters are the ones with the job.

  5. chickens are females roosters are male

  6. Sexing becomes easier as the bird gets older.  If it lays eggs, it is a hen.  If it does not, then it is a rooster.  You can also examine the bird's cloaca - the opening near the tail that serves as the bird's a**s and s*x organs.  Roosters' cloacae protrude more than females'.  If you are still unsure about the bird's s*x, you should compare the cloaca in question to those of a rooster and of a hen.  Whichever it resembles most is the same gender.

  7. The only way to tell is to tickle its *** and see if it gets a *****.

  8. put ur d**k near it and if its starts sucking it its a girl but if it chops it off its a boy

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