
How can you tell when a Cancer male loves you?

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How can you tell when a Cancer male loves you?




  1. he will be very romantic and very obvious because the only person he will want to see is you

  2. he will suffocate you and want to always be with you...they also take a fatherly type act over you....

  3. By the growing bulge in his pants

  4. He will be typicially shy at first, but respect his mother and past nostalgia... then he'll be tenacious in winning you!

  5. Kisses kisses kisses!  He will take your car to the shop.  He will take you to the beach. You will always get a birthday present.  He may even give you a gift on the anniversary of when you met!

  6. He will tell you. Perhaps not in words at first. But, he will make several overtures to gauge your interest. If you are interested. Give him positive feedback at these times...

    Once he feels "secure" enough, he will pursue you tenaciously until he is either hurt so bad he crawls into his shell... OR wins the object of his affections....

    THEN he will smother you with affection and attention. BEWARE! If you don't like being loved day-in and day-out... Don't encourage him.

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