
How can you tell when a betta fish is pregnant?

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My betta seems to just be at the bottom of the tank and will only swim up for food. What could be the problem? She looks to be dead but when I get closer to the tank she moves.




  1. first, the common beta fish that you buy from petsmart are bys, but if you do buy a female (alot smaller) there is a whole process to look up. basically, put the female in the males tank and wait ten minutes, nothing should happen, take her out and wait two weeks. then put here back, she should be kinda fat and then SOMEthing should happen, remove her and let the guy do the rest, once you see the babbies(fry) remove the male.

    thats the best explaniation i can give you :)

    email me some pictures of ur babbies


  3. Bettas are egg layers so they don't get pregnant as such. The male builds a bubble nest and the female lays the eggs which he then grabs in his mouth and spits up into the nest.  They take 2 to 3 days to hatch.

    If she is hiding, then she is not ready to spawn yet so I would let her stay hiding.  Male bettas do not like to see female bettas except when the female is there to spawn. The rest of the time, he could easily kill her if she hangs around his territory too much.

  4. well betta fish are very boring fish. they don't really do much. the normally move very rarely. is the fish in the tank alone? email me at is it alone or not. if it is alone it is most likely not pregnant. tell me the color too.

  5. if it is a bright colored betta it is a MALE.  Only the white smaller ones are female.  If it is in the tank alone chances are it is not pregnant.  :o)

  6. That's normal behavior for a betta fish.  I wouldn't be worried.  

    Betta fish are not live-bearing fish.  They spawn, so technically it's never pregnant.  

    Do you have a male and female together?  If they spawn, she will deposit her eggs, and the male will fertilize them.  They will mature and hatch in a bubble nest at the surface of the water.

  7. You can tell if she is more round and robust than usual, with possibly some lines on her abdomen, and will be able to see her ovipositor, which will be whitish in color, protruding in front of her anal fin. It will look like a white dot.

    but thats if its a GIRL (be sure of that)

  8. try this  just kidding.............if it has long fins and bright colors it is a male and by the sound of it , it sounds preg.

  9. idk

  10. well first off make sure its a FEMALE:

    second, theyre egg-layers. to tell if its full of eggs, youll see a gravid spot=]

  11. Betta Fish don't get pregnant, they lay eggs.

  12. my betta does the same thing. shes prolly just resting.

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