
How can you tell when a girl is annoyed with you?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I've got a little issue. There's a girl at work, I've known her for a while now, but it seems like she's annoyed with me, but isn't telling me. Here's why I think she's annoyed with me:

1. She used to smile every time she saw me (usually 2-3 times a day)

2. She always used to respond to my emails, now she doesn't.

3. She's just not as nice to me as she used to be.

4. I just get the feeling that when I'm around her, she just wants me to go away.

So here's my question: How can you tell when a girl is annoyed with you, like what are the signs? And if she is annoyed with me, what should I do? I'm really close friends with her and I don't want to lose her...Any help is appreciated :)




  1. sorry but it seems like she is a little annoyed :(. maybe theres something going on in her life that shes upset about or maybe she just lost interest:(

    i was in a similar situation with a boy. i called him and left him this v-mail: "cool how you dont wanna talk to me anymore. im sorry for whatever horrible thing i did to you." he called me back and told me what was going on and it turns out his friend who liked me told him to back off so he did. maybe something like that is happening with your friend?

  2. You never know with girls. Maybe she is PMSing. Or maybe she just need some space. You just need to let her breathe for a couple of days. And then in about a week ask her why she was mad if she was. And you can also ask her what's wrong now.

  3. they'll bbe tapping their fingers waiting for u to leave, they will never look u in the eye, or they'll rol their eyes when they see u.

  4. she probably is busy and if you think she is annoyed than don't bug her as much take a break than start taking to her again

    Good luck  

  5. How can you tell?  Look at your reasons 1-4.  Sounds like she is.  How long has she been acting this way?  If just one or two days, maybe something is going on in her life.  If it has been longer, then maybe she is annoyed.  I would still be nice to her, but don't email her or go out of your way to talk to her.  Give her some space.  Let her come to you.  After a couple days or so, if she doesn't warm up to you, then you may want to ask her if something is wrong, is it something you said or did?

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