
How can you tell when friendship starts to blossom into romance?

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How can you tell when friendship starts to blossom into romance?




  1. when you feel your tummy churning whenever you see or hear from him.

  2. when it started to be corny

  3. I have been in a situation similiar to this question.

    I was a class mate and a friend with a female student at a military school. We started with talking a lot and going out on weekends like regular friends and over time something about her started to grow on me. She claimed that she had a boyfriend waiting for her in her home town so I held back my feelings. I can sense that she was feeling something for me also because we were together alone all the time staying up late on weekends talking about everything. We never revealed how we felt toward each other because I would soon go overseas to work and she would stay back in the states.

    Years later, I run into her roommate from back in that time and she told me that my friend talked about me all the time every night. She was too shy to express how she felt about me.

    I don't know what could have happen if I were to pursue her with a little more aggression. I was very young and lacked experience during those days.

  4. When being friends isn't enough; you'd want more from the relationship you both have.  When talking isn't enough, you'd want more than the usual conversations you have.  When your concern for him isn't just for a simple friend but is more profound than that of a family.  When your heart beats at the sight of him and your eyes light up at the mere mention of his name.

    Here's a poem for you from an Aindréas Brennan:


    He smiles to himself,

    As he thinks of her,

    Sitting alone in her kitchen,

    Sipping coffee.

    She thinks of him too,

    But little does he know it.


    Both pass each other every day,

    Without passing on the knowledge,

    Of their inwardly turned love.

    Time and time again it happens,

    For who has the courage to say it first,

    Or do they just enjoy,

    Their secret love affair.  

  5. If you find yourself desperately seeking for a reason to be with your "friend" all the time.  

  6. when you start avoiding him/her...  

  7. If both of you feel the itch!

  8. When he stops trying to cover up his farts

  9. When their all you can think about.

    You want to be more than friends with them

    You get butterflies in your stomach every time he/she talks to you

    You cant think of anyone else you'd rather be with

  10. When the mere mention of his name can make your heart go zoom  zoom  zoom...

  11. It actually depends on how you feel.. There's no other way of telling.. Maybe it just depends on how you 2 communicate and enjoy each other's company.. A friendship between a man and a woman obviously bloomed to romance already (without the s*x part yet) because it's really almost impossible to have a true best friend of the opposite s*x without falling in love.. You can be friends with a girl but best friends with them means just GF without the s*x part.. Just remember that it has to be reciprocal but just make sure that it's real first or you'll risk breaking up a good friendship.. Anyways, its better to risk it than not to try at all or you'll regret it forever....

    Just make your move and ask her out on a date.. Tell her that you wanted to go out with her not as a friend but as a date.. Who knows, you may have already passed the courting (ligaw) process and just go straight to a BF-GF relationship..


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