
How can you tell when "Global Warming" believers are starting to panic?

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The climate has been cooling 0.06 degrees per year for the last 10 years. Predictions of wild hurricane seasons have just wimped out.

When can you say that believers are starting to panic that there may never be another warm year like 1998 again in their lifetime?

Is it when they start posting repeating questions of Yahoo boards?




  1. I don't see deniers or supporters panicking. One panics only if one has a strong vested interest in one of those positions. Most people don't.

    This issue should be decided on the science. Unfortunately, it has become politicized, meaning politicians are taking strong positions one way or the other, vested interest. That is when evidence in one direction or another is suppressed.

    My own belief is that the world is getting a bit warmer, that it may or may not get warmer still, and it probably isn't harmful to humans. I easily change beliefs in this depending on what evidence I am still able to see, because I have no vested interest in it either way. I am not in panic mode.

    What I most don't like is the scare tactics (civilization will be destroyed, I don't count NYC being destroyed, which might be a good thing).

  2. In areas of research that are tangentially related to climate science, the relative number of contrarian viewpoints seems to be larger than amongst climate scientists themselves. I think this has a lot to do with professional deformation: “We are all best impressed by evidence of the type with which we are most familiar”.

    It is no surprise that many of them will initially be skeptical towards claims that humans are responsible for the current changes, when they are acutely aware of the massive changes that have always taken place without humans around. (Never mind the logical fallacy that arises when using this as evidence against anthropogenic influence.)

    Likewise, an astronomer or solar physicist is more likely to emphasize the role that the sun plays in climate change. And a meteorologist may focus on the (importance of the) effect of boundary layer dynamics. Acknowledging that one’s own area of expertise may not be terribly important for a high-profile theme such as climate change is psychologically not easy; emphasizing (or even exaggerating in the worst cases) its potential importance is psychologically favored. So maybe instead of only thinking in one dimension (i.e. one’s own field) you have to look at the consilience of evidence, and the big picture, when forming an opinion about a multi-disciplinary issue such as climate change.

  3. Unfortunately, it will be another 15-30 years because NASA's statement a few months back claimed the PDO will cool the planet for 15-30 years and mask the effects of "global warming".  Basically, they are hoping the young children growing up (being brainwashed) will continue their agenda because they currently don't have enough support to have complete their agenda.

    Also, read this article especially the quote at the bottom.

    "The Earth's overall magnetic field has weakened at least 10 percent over the past 150 years, which could also point to an upcoming field reversal."

    Does it seem coincidental that the Earth's magnetic field has been weakening for the past 150 years and global temperature has risen?  I have heard a theory before claiming the weakening and reversing of the Earth's magnetic field leads to global temperature fluctuations.  Maybe this is just a coincidence.

  4. When they throw icicles at you instead of blow torches.

    And when pigs fly.

  5. they won't panic until h**l freezes over.

    tis the way of the liberal, they made their animail a donkey for a reason, because they are as stuborn as one!

  6. I agree with the first guy!!!  If you look at climate patterns, they dip and rise and change constantly.

    They're already nuts- what's all this about my kids not seeing polar bears?  I don't usually see polar bears around here anyway...

    So it's great to use stronger light bulbs, recycle, and pump up your tires.  I'm not saying people need to go throw trash outside-

    but everyone needs to chill. Seriously.

  7. Some (Naomi Klein, Shock Doctrine) suppose that many politicians keep us in a state of constant panic, so that they can more easily assert their agendas.  

  8. I think when they start calling global warming, global climate change.  

  9. When they chant "but it's not peer reviewed' and when they say... "yes but that paper has been debunked" (by their mates).

  10. No one is panicking except you naysayers. No empirical data to support your bogus claims. Just useless rhetoric and the typical BS.

  11. When you keep asking the S A  M  E questions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and.................

  12. I can never tell???--------- so much hot GLOBAL WARMING air all around them that it is creating a "boundary" layer that I cannot see through.   :)

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