
How can you tell when you're drunk?

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i'm a girl 5'7" and i had about 3 shots of kaluah and then 4 shots of gin, whiskey and other hard liqour. a total of 7

i'd never been drunk before or even tipsy. i didn't feel like I was anywhere close to drunk, just a slight "woosh" when i was walking in the beginning.

i was more loose lipped but didn't give away any of my deepest secerets or anything. i woke up at 5am w/ a slight headache but took a tylenol and was fine.

what do u think?




  1. It all depends on what you mean by drunk.  Had you stepped outside and driven a car the officer pulling you over would have considered you drunk.

    If your drinking was within two hours your blood alcohol would have been about 0.14 almost twice the legal limit and would guarantee you a night in the cooler and some very large debt's.  If you paced yourself over 5 hours you might, (just might) have been OK.

    Then there is the social test of whether you were drunk, ask someone who was there.  If they start telling you things you did that you cannot recall you were definitely drunk.

    The headache was caused by the components that make the drinks dark and dehydration, not the alcohol.

  2. Well in Kentucky,USA,you would legally be classed as sober until you couldn't hold onto the ground.If thats the case,i've never been drunk in my

  3. Geez--you are going to be an expensive date--help the dude out by drinking a bottle of vodka before he picks you up.

  4. depends on how much food was in your stomach, if you drank all that on an empty stomach it would be lights out. Be careful drinking hard liquar my room mate did it for her birthday yesterday and got staggering drunk fell, busted her lip almost knocked out her teeth, lost her cell phone.

  5. when  you wake up with  your  p***s  in  somebody Else's  mouth and   have  no idea what  happened or how it got there.

    Ditto for you except vice verse

  6. I think you're one of the lucky people who can hold their liquor a lot better than most people can.

    Usually when I start getting bleary-eyed and walking into things, I know it's time to call it a night.

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