
How can you tell when you meet/see a hockey noob?

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"Who has the best home floor advantage"

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  1. This question is a joke. There are no bad questions in hockey. If people are interested and are asking questions, what's the problem?

  2. "I have trouble following the puck... they should put the blue streak red streak thing in".

    I mean come on... the puck is black and the ice is white... it's for a reason.

  3. once i was at my brothers hockey game and the guy behind me started screaming, he was yelling at the ref saying "how can you call that an icing? the puck was rolling on its side!!!" it was really funny.

    I also have a friend that asked my how many quarters were in a hockey game...that was pretty bad

  4. when they stand up in the middle of play,  when they call the players by there nicknames that only the players call them.  When they doubt the coach and think they can do a better job.

  5. "Go Gooberick go!" (they mean go gaborik go and he wouldn't even be on the ice)

  6. When a person is offside and a whistle blows, and the person wonders why the whistle blew.  I try to explain you can't skate across the blue line ahead of the puck but sometimes it gets grating.  Also I have heard someone ask me how many quarters hockey had.  I said don't you mean minutes.

  7. i'll go with the pulling the goalie part. but mine went like

    "why's the goalie leaving?"

    "p**s break."

    "are you serious? what about the team?"

    "he knows they got this. he ain't trippin."

  8. 1. "why dont they just shot?" (powerplay)

    2. end of the game down by one "hey theres no goalie, they might get scored on"

    3. "whats off sides"

    4. when you ware a random hockey jersey to a game but its not the jersey of either team thats playing.

  9. if someone says "why do the ref's let them fight? they should brake it up"

    i can't stand when people ask that

  10. Calling the puck a ball

    Saying end of quarter when it's end of period.

  11. If his name is Lubers 25.

  12. they call it "ice hockey"

    froctix - ROFLMAO

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