
How can you tell whether aliens have landed in your room or you're just experiencing severe insomnia?

by  |  earlier

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i do have insomnia, and i know it whacks your mind out, but i see little people in my room.





  1. They'll only bother you if you're not wearing your tinfoil hat.  Now put the hat back on and go back to sleep.  ^..^

  2. hey bo its  ok go see a doc or somthin

    its the same with me........when i study i see naked women dancing in the

  3. Maybe you are still dreaming? When I wake up (not all the time) I see a spider crawling on the floor but later it goes away your brain is half asleep

  4. pray!

  5. Get a second opinion or try and catch one of them so you have proof.

  6. here's what you do:

    1. lay off the peyote

    2. exercise during the day

    3. eat right

    4. take suppliments that contain melatonin

  7. tell them youll put your foot up his *** if he dont leave

  8. well theres this new thing called SLEEP MEDICINE it puts u to sleep so those things wont happen u should try it  

  9. thats odd... go to sleep

  10. michael jackson, didnt know you'd changed your name =S

  11. If the say take me to your leader otherwise use ambien

  12. Well, if the aliens are from Mars, there'll be little green poopies all over the floor.

  13. Your question is interesting to me. My mom said when I was little there were little people coming out of my room with flashlights. They almost woke my dad up and my mom was so scared she closed her eyes and pretened to sleep.  She didn't want to get up she was so scared.  I have insomnia and can't sleep without pills or without the TV on.  She said it might be the reason why I'm afraid of the dark and absolutely cannot turn the lights off at night without having horrible nightmares.  

  14. check again

    they may be the little munchkins from the wizard of Oz!

  15. well, with a name like cacapoopoopeepee, I'm guessing it's just the insomnia. Next time try to trap one of the little people - if he's still there the next day then it's an alien. If it's not then... well.. you'll never know.

  16. you mean illegal aliens? if not, slap yourself hard.

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