
How can you tell which mushrooms are just mushrooms or the drug?

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How can you tell which mushrooms are just mushrooms or the drug?




  1. You are stupid. Seriously if you eat the wrong kinds you WILL die. There is no cure and no one can save you when it has entered into your body system. It is literally a horrible and painful death. If you dont even know how to properly identify if they are poisonous or not maybe you shouldnt be messing around with them in the first place.

  2. take a bite out of it,and if its poisoned,tough luck pal!

  3. You cant buty the drug from stores ;) plus the drug (SHROOMS) are, I believe, usually found on farms or open fields as a result of all the "poopie" on the ground but im not 100% sure on what the physical differences are.

  4. DO NOT walk around eating mushrooms in the forest. Go to Borders or Barnes and Noble and get a trail guide to mushrooms. It's a small book that has pics and characteristics of mushrooms in your area. It'll tell you if poisonous or not, some even describe how to prepare them for best taste results. There are a lot of germs and such on them in the wild, so clean them very well before consuming. Purple usually means psylocibin (halucinogen). Chili Pepper's web resources are good for learning the differences before going out, but bring a guide so no mistakes...If you are carrying halucinogens and are confronted by a game warden you could be in serious trouble.

  5. do tastes tests and keep a record of your experiences and you will soon know.

  6. its har to tell most of the drug mushrooms are on farms, they have like a cone like oval on them but it is dangerous to go around eating mushrooms when u dont know anything about them.

  7. Properly identifying mushrooms is difficult and can be very dangerous. These sites may help you. Pay close attention to the first one.

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