
How can you tell your Mother in Law its my house? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting my house done up with my husband, we got a new downstairs loo put in at the weekend his mother called over twice and told me dear, did i have a hand towel i kindly informed her I wasn't putting any in until we had moved in. After she had used the loo on Monday I noticed there was a hand towel there of hers.




  1. Thats very nice ,helpful and considerate of her,remember chuck,everything costs money.

  2. just  tell  here

  3. Tell her. "You should hook up to YA. There is an interesting person under the name 'sunflower' asking important question :)".

    Oh no, no. Tell your Husband then :)

  4. fold up the hand towel, nicely tell her thank you for lending it to you, you now have hand towels in the loo.

    its no big thing..there should be a hand towel in there ya slacker LOL

  5. Sounds to me like she was being very helpful actually , she wasnt meaning to interfere she just wanted to make sure you had something to dry your hands with before you move in properley , saves wiping them on your clothes doesnt it.

    Once you have your own towels kindly thanks her and give her back her towel.

  6. Perhaps she thinks it is sanitary to wash her hands after using the loo, don't you?

  7. Oh dear I'm afraid to say that I would have done the same whether you've moved in or not people who come to see your house for what ever reason will need to use your toilet at some time and washing your hands afterwards is a very important part of Hygiene I feel rather puzzled that you don't feel it important as well if you don't want to keep a towel in there maybe some kitchen roll for people to dry there hands on, think it over I really don't think your Mother In law is being un reasonable, you cant be to careful where hygiene is concerned.

  8. Mother in laws are known worldly for putting their nose where it does not belong.But mind you as there are very good ones.You need to tell her here and now where's her place without hurting her and without forgeting your husband.Go easy on her and tell her that this is your house,that you would welcome and concider anything she wants to share but you would like your own space to decide on this.Wash her towel and give it back to her nicely.Do it now or she would be too much later

  9. Wipe your **** with it.

    Then wrap it up all nice with a pretty bow and hand it back to her.

    Try to make sure you're there to see the look on her face when she opens it.

    She'll get the idea.

    Good luck.

  10. This isn't a big deal, let it go.  Choose your battles wisely.  Personally, if someone goes to the loo, I'd be glad they are washing their hands and needing a towel.

  11. well you could jus take the hand towel down for now, and replace it with what you want when you move in.

  12. Just tell her it's your home and although you appreciate her kind gestures in trying to "help" w/ decorating "your" home you would appreciate it even more if she can back off and let you make the decor decisions in your household and maybe you can give her towel back in the mail to make your point solid..

  13. Are you seriously this upset because she put a hand towel in the bathroom?  Let it go.  Save your ‘stands’ for the things that really matter.  

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