
How can you tell your boss in a nice way that he needs you to keep in the loop more @ what's happening at work

by  |  earlier

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So that you can do your job better.




  1. If there's things you need to know that would directly affect the quality of your work, then you should find a minute with him/her alone and just say

    "so and so, it would really help my job performance if when this or that happens, I could be informed about it.  I'd like to do my job to the best of my ability and details such as this or that would help me a lot"

    If it really isn't directly connected to specifically your job performance, your boss isn't telling you because you don't need to know and leave it at that.

  2. Whats the loop?

  3. It depends in how your boss is. Is he open for conversation or is he a dictator? If he is open, you can call him for a nice talk.  If he is a dictator, forget it, he will get pissed if you say something against his kindom...

    Good luck!

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